Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School and Looking Ahead...

It was back to school this weekend with informational sessions conducted by our very own Gary Behler and Walter Fues. Pool School and Electrical School provided an opportunity to share valuable information regarding how the pool pumps work, keeping the chemical levels in check, steps to go through should you or a fellow camper have an electrical issue as well as many other tips.  THANK YOU to our Vounteer Teachers, as well as everyone who came out to show interest in how we keep our great park humming along.

On Sunday, Z&B was open for business...the line was almost as long as Uncle Bill's.
Chris Zinsky, Don Butler, Jim Zinsky, Sharon Butler and there's that sous chef again...
The crew served up pancakes and sausage, along with orange juice and coffee.  DELISH!! It's always better when someone else cooks, right?
Bill & Bonnie Thompson, *Names*
Al Izzi, Janet

President's Forum Notes - Forums have been held throughout the season and allow President Butler to share news from the Board, as well as provide Shareholders on opportunity to ask questions and share ideas.
1 Share = 1 site, 2 shares = 2 sites, etc.
WBCCI Membership: Per our current by-laws, in order to be a shareholder and vote, you must also be a member of WBCCI.
Working towards cleaning up wood and debris, would like to use our own "manpower" as opposed to contracting leaf removal out; looking into the possibilty of a chipper/shredder to assist. Some trees need to come down; would like to plant replenish by planting one for every one that comes down.
SHAREHOLDERS MEETING (Always 2nd Sat in September; this year Sept. 10,11,12) - Applications (resume) for JSH Board are due by NOON on 9/4. Must be present to vote.
OPENING/CLOSING 2011: April 30th - October 29th. Exploring possibility of allowing a shareholder access to the park 1 week early, if comitted to volunteering around camp for pre-season clean-up. If interested, let Pres. Butler know.
FINANCE: We are in good shape, should not need a rate increase. Long range plan includes possible electric upgrade, which funds might be raised through a bond issue.
TRAILER IDENTIFICATION: Please display name and emergency contact on trailer in case something happens.
CABLE BOX: Keep the box if you are coming back, please hand it in if you are not.
SIZE & BRAND REGULATION: 35 ft is max length on interior site, if longer, a site in the rally field will be assigned. For any non-Airstream rig, JSH allows for a max of a 30-day, per season, stay.
MARKETING: Tom Venables exploring Marketing aspects of JSH, Airstream Life magazine was mentioned for print advertising.
SOLAR POWER: How can we go greener using soloar power? Mike Becker will research and present Board with information, including current tax incentives and/or rebates.

Can you believe its Labor Day Weekend already?  We are going to start off the weekend with hoagie night (hopefully everyone had signed up by the deadline of 8/30). Then on Saturday evening, we will have an group campfire in our very own outdoor pavilion.  Bring your roasting sticks because marshmallows will be provided.

Shareholders Weekend: RSVP BY SEPTEMBER 8th to Wilma Crawford c/o JSH address
Friday Sept. 10: 7 pm Ice cream followed by "Meet the Candidates"
Saturday Sept. 11:    8:15 - 9:45 am Pancake Breakfast
                                1:00 pm Annual Shareholder's Meeting
                                5:00 pm Social Hour
                                6:15 Dinner - Roast Beef, salad, dessert and beverage
Sunday Sept 12: 9:00 am breakfast


  1. What a great blog! JSH Rules. This will help me feel like I'm still there even though I am back to work =(
    Soak up the sunshine for me everyone!

  2. Thanks Gina! Missed you guys this weekend, hope to see you soon...enjoy your school daze :-)
