Adopt A Site 2014
The following sites are open for aoption for the 2014 season, Please choose one and make it your project to keep clean and beautify. This is a good opportunity to volunteer your time at Jersey Shore Haven.
Suggestions: Planting barriers, raking and general upkeep.
Any questions, please contact Jim Davis (E38).
- G4, G10, G11
- C17
- E17, E19, E21
Come join us next Sunday June 15 th at 10:00 am for our annual Fathers Day Breakfast Menu sausage, French toast, coffee, tea, orange juice , fruit pastries
Going Green > Please remember to bring your own place setting.
Everyone's Birthday Party on Saturday June 28th..who was born between January-June...come celebrate with cake & ICE CREAM!!! at 7:30pm. Coffee & tea will also be available.
SAVE THE WEEKEND! - JULY 4th Weekend we will be having a picnic...more info TBD - stay tuned!!
See you 'round camp!